They say the smallest coffins are the heaviest, but the burdens of the past are astonishing. Funerals are supposed to be events when the past is buried, but for Brendon Urie it happened to be a profitabile moment to dig up the truth about his lover, whose betrayal and love both happen to be dragged out from her legacy that started centuries ago with a secret conflict between two figures that history has never showed them in this manner. It all starts when the not so sober but definetely humourous Leonardo DaVinci had the "pleasure" to meet what happened to be at first a man of trust he chose as an ally, but seemingly the feeling of love he carried for a provincial woman called Lisa made betrayal a tool of their downfall. Hundreds of year later, two factions of a cult born from that old as times conflict made another friendship fall in the worse way that could exist. The tale becomes more complicated as a duty of the priest who changes sides between godly and pagan shapes the course of the story, and father Gerard Way must quickly take a step in chosing his intentions, and not only by using the old fashioned ways. And as a cryptex that must be opened and that will uncover an forgotten artifact, this story is about revealing the truth behind the lies people tell. Genre: everything - that is fanfiction about Warnings: Not for uncool people Contains magick practicing that are not made up by author, but chosen from books writen by people who practiced it and studied in this purpose.All Rights Reserved