Case number 555/10/22/03-13 Lead by: Sergeant Irvine McFreddish Aspirant Jayden Maisy Dignity: Way, Gerard, 18 Via arrangements of the New Jersey state's police and their cooperation with special forces, the court managed to tell the grounds and scale of phenomenons, because of which Mr Way, Gerard is guilty drug crimes and many brigandage connected cases, the indirect murders of two citizens, Way, Donald, Bryant, Haves. The convicted may be sentenced to imprisonment, starting 2/10/2008 due to state laws of New Jersey, The United States of America. Linkages: Wentz, Peter, 19. Case number 555/10/28/03-27 Date: 15/9/2008 Signed, Aspirant Jayden Maisy Theme song: Headfirst for halos by My Chemical RomanceAll Rights Reserved
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