Sonic, Sonic the Hedge-bat is the world's most known emerald thief. Daughter of Rouge the Bat, no one knows who her father is. Her personality comes to alert. She had powers from her dad. Has a IQ for hacking, no one knows how did she learned it.
Shadow, Shadow the hedgehog is the best top secret agent of GUN. Created by Ivo and often gets pissed off for being messed with. Leader of Team Shadow. Has a crush on Azure Hedge-bat, friends with Rouge The Bat.
Now I'll tell you what the hell made me do this, but as always. It was my damn fantasy, so obviously Sonic is a Hedge-bat, meaning a half hedgehog and half bat. Her abilities are about of flight (she has wings in this). Now Sonic is A SHE, dont ask! I beg you. And I added Team Shadow from The Crystal Blur, this time GUN is the one who protects the city. Keep in mind that Sonic has super speed and flight, or even a psychokenisis. Anyway most of ALL.....
(Btw I ran out of covers, hope you don't mind about this... this cover. and i renamed it a bit so dont ask. The description still stays like this before you point it out..)
Edit: Please do note that i will not update this book anymore if i have to clarify it; i lost my interest on the fandom and i am sorry if you have been waiting for this trash to be updated. There is always another book to read from a different author, you know ;w;
- Yours truly, Xen