All rights go to John Green for his novel, The Fault In Our Stars. Don't read this book if you haven't finished reading TFIOS yet. My name is Hazel Grace Lancaster, and I am 17 now. It has been almost a year since Augustus died. Augustus. I think about him every day. Wake up, think about Augustus, barely eat anything, think about Augustus. You get the point. I have stopped hanging out with most of my friends, okay all of my friends, except for Isaac. We always hang out, except it's never the same without him. I call Augustus every day, just to hear his voice again. I miss him so badly. But little do I know, that something is going to happen, and that capitol S Something, is something that will change life as I know it.
Twenty days since Augustus Waters, the lanky, blue eyed boy with the crooked smile and a fear of oblivion limped across this earth. Twenty days since I've been called Hazel Grace. Twenty-eight days since his pre-funeral, where I read him the eulogy I had written him--The Last Good Day of Augustus Waters.
Ignoring the completely unoriginal title, this is a fanfiction based on The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.