This is a sequel of Flushed Away: Tales from Zoey's Beginning! This the story where the friends all first meet Zoey, an American girl from New York City aka The Big Apple, as the St. James family's new next door neighbor, who soon becomes Rodney's new love interest! But overtime, two villains make their return back in town along with Zoey revealing a secret much to everyone's surprise! Will everything turn out alright for Nana, Coco, Kira, and Zoey? Find out in this story!
Zoe is the new girl in town, with her brother Chace, they moved all the way from Ireland to America. Big change from meeting new people. It doesn't help that she has a extremely hot neighbours not just one but two, and their brothers, Which one will she choose? Or will it be someone new all together? but Zoe has a past that still haunts her but how bad is it? ....