The earth trembled under foot long long ago. Not a mere earthquake but the earth rose, it moved of its own accord eyes formed blinking at the sudden light. Mountains were mountains no longer but beasts. Titans. Villages or cities neither mattered to them they were crushed or rolled on. Even flat plains rose to greet the sky. The smallest beast was as big as a truck and the largest a mountain. After centuries the people settled into a tolerant state for these creatures after realising they could not control them or their path. Settlement no longer existed just the fading line of hope that they did not place their bed in the path of the earth creatures. Until the day a single person rode upon a creatures back laughing as if it had told a joke and asked ever so politely for the creature to go around the town. To the villagers surprise and gratitude the creature did as it was asked. Then began the legend of the girl who controlled the ground itself.