Charlie has struggled with depression and feeling unloved her whole life. Until one day a new boy joined the choir and changed it all.
"Mind if I sit here?"
I drew in a breath... "Sure..." I said, shaking.
Lincoln sat down, hopefully not noticing how much I was freaking out. Eli looked at me with sympathetic eyes. You know that best friend look that says about a million things in one look. Yup, that one. I let out the breath that I was apparently holding.
I felt a tap on my right arm, and I jumped, "So, how cool is this choir really, Cole seems to be hyping it up,"
I looked over, he had leaned over and was inches away from me his chiseled jaw looked stunning with the natural light from the window, and all my body refused to function properly.
Eli jumped in, "Why don't you stay awhile and find out yourself."
Lincoln winked at me, "I planned on it."