What is a Designer Dog? A designer dog is a cross between two purebred dogs. A purebred dog is one that has been bred over many generations to breed true, meaning each puppy that is born looks and has the same temperament and characteristics as the others. Unlike some mixed breeds, designer dogs are generally born from two purebred parents. Designer dogs are not automatically bad and there is nothing wrong with them as long as they are properly bred. Various Designer Cross Breeds The most common designer dogs names are: Labradoodle - This dog is a cross between Labrador Retriever and Poodle. Goldendoodle - This dog is a cross between Golden Retriever and Poodle. Schnoodle - This dog is a cross between Schnauzer and Poodle. Yorkipoo - This dog is a cross between Yorki and Poodle. Bugg - This dog is a cross between Boston Terrier and Pug. Puggle - This dog is a cross between Pug and Beagle. Pomapoo - This dog is a cross between Pomeranian and Poodle. Cockapoo - This dog is a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle. The Cockapoo is the lap dog of the poodle mixes. The Aggressive Chiweenies The cost for the above cross breeds start from around US $1500 and above. Some of the designer dogs like the Chiweenies cost only US $250 to $550 max. These breeds are a cross between Chihuahua and Dachshund Mix. These are called Hybrid or designer dogs. These canines are bred with a purpose, to optimize the best qualities of each parent. Unlike some mixed breeds, designer dogs are generally born from two purebred parents. Are Designer Dogs Healthier Than Purebreds? This study found that purebred dogs have a significantly greater risk of developing many of the hereditary disorders examined in this study. No, mixed breed dogs are not ALWAYS healthier than purebreds; and also, purebreds are not "as healthy" as mixed breed dogs.All Rights Reserved