Ethan sat in detention with his best mates, barely listening into their conversation. Boredom had taken over the boys as they decided to play truth or dare, a childish game of course but, there's not much to do in a classroom. With the teacher in a haze, they figured the game would be easily executed.
Ethan was quite disinterested in the game, that was until his friend tapped him on the shoulder and asked him the infamous question, "Truth or Dare."
Ethan soon found himself waddling over to the lost and found, finding a notebook to scribble his number in. He decided on one that was quite intriguing, with scribbles and sketches all over it. He stood there, studying the notebook briefly before the bell rang. He quickly scribbled down his number and ran to join his friends at some party.
It was only a few days before Grayson stumbled into the room, asking Ms. Wilson if he'd left his notebook here. She directed him to the back of the classroom where the lost and found of the room was kept. He quickly trotted over, seeing his notebook on the top of the pile. He sighed, relieved that he didn't lose the darn thing, that was until he opened the book and found a note scribbled into the first page that wasn't there before.
"Text me?"