I was thinking of doing getting any interested writers and doing a series of individual/separate improv stories. I would go to the WattPad undiscovered gems page and click a random one. I would pick a noun/subject in either the title or the first sentence of the piece. That noun would be the topic for all the improv stories. I would do this the second thursday in every month. I would find the topic at noon and have 35 minutes to write a 1-3 paragraph improv story about that topic. I would then message the next person in the contest list and they would have 35 minutes from when I send the message. They would send it to the next person and so on. We would all dedicate our stories t the person who wrote the story I got the topic from. No one wins, it just goes on for ever.
Better Better Idea I make a forum type thing and I will just post the topic and my story and then who every wants to do it has until an hour later on the forum page... you should also post your story on your page but you have to dedicate it to the writer of the topic.