"Who are you?"
"Who do you think I was?"
"A complex mystery in the form of a girl."
There were very few things that Astrid Johnson was exceptionally good at.
She was just smart enough to get by, just attractive enough to be written off as "pretty", just normal enough to blend into the sea of people that populated her high school. She preferred to go unnoticed, to go unseen, and that's how she spent the last seventeen years of her life.
Because Astrid was exceptionally good at one thing, and that one thing requires her to go unseen. Ever since she was five years old and could write enough to just be legible, Astrid wrote down observations.
About the places she'd been, about the things she'd seen, but, most importantly, about the people she encountered. There wasn't a single student at her school that she hadn't seen, observed, then studied. Astrid knew more about her peers than they knew about herself.
But never did Astrid expect to use those observations to ascertain why a girl who sat two seats behind her in English killed herself.
So basically this story is about a teenage girl who was separated from her family at the age of two. What will happen when one day suddenly her stepfather died.
And she got to know about her family which was unknown to her. More precise to be brothers. 6 brothers !!!!!
She is a broken soul. Who craved for love and affection. She has made her walls very high. Will she ever allow anyone to enter. They all have their own secrets.
Will they ever get to know about each other or not ???
To found it out you have to read the story.
I don't owe any picture , only story is mine,
Thank you.
Started :~ [ 16 - 05 - 2024 ]
Ended :~