"Hey, we can sort this out peacefully right?" said Deyna, as she tried to pacify about fifty armed ghosts at once. They continued to glare at her, weapons bared. "Okay look I'll just hop over the river and get back to where I belong. You'll never see me again ,I swear." The ghosts began to mutter and grumble amongst themselves. Deyna decided to use the time to figure out how she was going to "hop" over a mile of gushing water that formed the river Azure.
"Deyna!!! Hang on, I'm coming for you!" It was Finn. Oh god. Why Finn. Fifty fierce, translucent faces turned towards her "rescuer". Finn stopped in his tracks and blinked. There was more grumbling and muttering. Probably something about a change in victims. Their leader cried out and then they charged- at Finn.
Deyna cursed out loud and raced ahead to save her savior.
The island-continent of Skavia is divided into two by the river Azure. The two communities- the sorcerers and the magicians- live in complete isolation from each other. Crossing to enemy territory is forbidden on a penalty of death. SIxteen years of living on the streets have made Deyna tough and able to fend for herself. But when she is forced to cross to the other side and she has to fight to get back alive.