have you ever heard of mid summer night dreams??! well, it's one of those, when we feel these are happening for real.. then we woke up with drenching sweat & sighing for at least though it was not real, we become happy that it happened in dreams!! & yet there are some realities takes place in our life, we wish perhaps they would vanish like mid summer night dreams!! those realities makes us happy ; still we want them to disappear!! may b that's how cosmic railway works, human mind works, & also the mid summer night dreams!! (This fiction is about a fan named Anna & korean band EXO Leader Suho. Here his fan Anna fall into love with his personal identity as Kim Junmyeon! As says humand mind is unsolved puzzle!! & then Anna's mind wanted to solve a puzzle named Junmyeon... If she just knew.. Human mind was never for solved but to fall, but to fail again & again.. Cause in the end.. Human mind doesn't even owe to it's own Master!!)All Rights Reserved