Pine pollen is the most potent and powerful source of phytoandrogens which helps to boost testosterone in the body naturally. Pine pollen is yellow colour sand-like substance obtained from the male cone pine tree in every spring season. It is proved that the organic Pine pollen is the wealthiest seedbed of testosterone derived from plants. It is also known for its other abundant nutrients, minerals amino acids that improve our overall health and boost stamina without any side effects. It is equally effective for both men and women and can be used to cure many diseases that's why it is also known as a superfood. Pine pollen contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that give relief from post workout and other body pain. It has all micro-nutrients, 22 amino acids and fatty acids that required for growth and optimal body functions. It is the best replacement for supplements and energy drinks. Consuming pine pollen keeps our mood fresh and energise us before the tournament or any match. Here is the list of 7 advantages benefits of Pine Pollen: Pine pollen Anti-Inflammatory in nature: Inflammation can cause a range of health problems such as heart diseases, cancer, and can affect you both physically and mentally. Pine pollen contains Anti-inflammatory compounds that benefit the body by naturally reducing inflammation from pre and post workout inflammation. It also refreshes your mood and improve the overall health of serious athletes. Pine pollen Anti-oxidant in nature: On a daily basis, we consume many things in the form of household chemicals, food additives that can oxidise our body and can lead to many health problems including cancer, lung and chest diseases, and much more. But if you're consuming Pine pollen supplements, then you can overcome these diseases naturally. Hence, it contains natural anti-oxidants like Super Dismutase (SOD), Brassinosteroids and resveratrol which prevent our detoxification and rejuvenate it naturally.All Rights Reserved