"I see you huddled close to your babes and family friends. We cower in the dark while those who caused our suffering run rampant and wild. No matter how many years we shed nor the amount of prayers we plead in our hearts we know we will never be free. My wounded brethren we know what we must do! Hunt down she who is old and powerful make her our pray and we the hunters! No matter where she would go or who she would meet we would follow her like an icy shadow. Until a day will come when frost leaves the world with ancient blood staining innocent hands then all shall be at the mercy of the demons of this land and every land after. We will become that shadow my allies! We shall bring peace to our world with her death and every abomination like her! Go forth my brothers and sisters and eradicate theses harborers of evil like this one! With her blood may the purge commence!" As so said, and so it shall begin.