I had a happy life before I really did.me and my dad we were best friends.he was the person who showed me the light when I only saw darkness.My mom died. And it was my fault.And then guess what my dad died to. And guess whos fault that was.Mine.I had no one. At all when my dad died I died I didnt eat. At all. so I became anorexic, I didnt socialize. At all. so I had no friends.But Tatum she was the one who didn't give,up she pried her way in and im actually glad she did. She is still my best friend and she has helped me become more social with more friends and stuff and that was way good for me I was living the life but I still had to see a councler and go to the hospital every 3 months because my anorexia had only gotten worse. I met Dillion and my life became more miserable. Lets just say he has a temper....All Rights Reserved