"There had been a time, long ago, long before even Nova was alive, when not everything was made from rusted metal and broken scraps. When there were creatures besides humans and the sky had been blue and visible through the clouds of smoke. When there had been clean water and fresh air. But that had been before The War, before the radiation had sent the surviving humans underground or into the Terra-dome. Blinding hate and anger hit Nova so hard she choked. This is what she was fighting for, a better future, a better world, for her people. And the people sitting, unbothered and comfortable, on the other side of the gleaming white walls of the palace were the only thing standing in her way. " Nova, the nineteen-year-old spy assassin with a troubled past and an uncertain future, will stop at nothing to give her people a chance at survival. Even if that means spending her life on the run from the law and putting herself and team in constant danger. As time and resources run out, Nova knows this assassination attempt might the entire world's only chance at survival.
10 parts