The final season, follows a man named Jax, in his journey to find a place where his daughter and fiancée can live safely in a post apocalyptic world. Amongst the horror, he's able to find love, trust, and loyalty in different people. As the Roamers finally reach their destination, they have to begin to think about the people waiting on the other side.
James and Lisa, who both have new-found feelings for one another, are finally choosing to settle in at the hangar bay community, with their new jobs as guards on the main wall.
Between these two groups - chaos, destruction and death- bring them closer together to finally survive the end of the world and the end of their story.
Amelia's story continues....
After the events that took place with The Governor, Amelia and the rest of the group have finally found a place to call home. But just like their life in this world, it's not always a sure thing.