Magnus Zoro, the world renowned magician, sent letters across the globe to a selected few individuals who portray the highlights of humanity. Empathy, talent, resilience, and most importantly, hope. The selected individuals meet in Magnus' pocket world- a mansion stuck in the Victorian era- where they are challenged on the daily to win a portion of Magnus' power. But storms are brewing, as Magnus' sister, Isis, enters the manor with a scheme of her own. To destroy all human life as we know it. Blood will be spilled, hearts will be broken, all in an act to prove that humans are more than cold blooded killers. Isis needs blood, and is happy to pick off the guests in order to get it. She knows her brother too well, she has him trapped in a situation he can't 'magic' his way out of. And yet, Magnus is in a dilemma of his own. To save the innocent lives of those around him, or to save his own blood. Tara Myst, is a young film student invited to the house with plans of her own. She hides her camera in her gown, as she records all the drama of the house, giving her the power to expose real magic to the world. And yet, she hesitates, unsure if she should ruin the lives of magicians like Magnus. Unsure of how the world would handle knowing magic exists. So she holds onto her camera, carefully creeping to capture the truth of the Zoro family.All Rights Reserved
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