The Lost woods academy was supposed to be one of the most elite schools ever founded. Never have I dreamed about attending something so prestigious, or something so out of my price range. Let's just say that my aunt is a gift from gods and thanks to her I get to run from my home and go live out my dream altogether.
The school was a dream, but I should have known that every dream ends, rather sooner than later. My awakening came in the form of Nicolas Starr. He was everything I shouldn't have wanted, but he was everything that I craved more and more each day. They say that descent to hell is easy, but I haven't realized just how easy until I've met him. When I've met Nick, the sun stayed hidden for months. He brought the rain, he brought the snow, he brought the hurricane, but most importantly, he brought me back to life. Our chemistry was undeniable. Our attraction was magnetic. If only I knew, that not all bad boys can be changed. If only I knew that, there was no prince waiting for me, there was only the devil himself.
"You're making a scene, love." He said, grabbing my elbow, suggesting it would be better if I sat down. His grip was strong and aggressive. Almost too tight, but just barely not.
"I'll give you a chance to think about what you just said, given the fact that I pushed you a little. Nevertheless, it was uncalled for and childish." He growled, his voice low.
"That sounded like a lousy apology until you tacked on another thing you should be apologizing for," I said, smiling sickly.
"Think about it," he urged me.
"I won't ."
His eyes were pitch black by now. As I was about to throw some more insults his way, a smile formed on his lips. It wasn't a nice one though, it was sick and sinister.
"If you're expecting an apology, that won't happen. I'm not sorry for what I've said."
"Don't be sorry, be careful,"
Today is my first day of a new school , I'm so happy that I didn't think anything could go wrong......but it did because life's a bitch .
I was walking the hallways with my stuff that I got from the guidance office and I bump into a, not a wall....a living, breathing human .
"Watch where you're going." He angrily muttered .
I knew that voice anywhere.
I looked up and saw him there, he stood tall in black jeans and a white t-shirt, staring at the ceiling .
"Well, well, well, hello asshole." I said, glaring up at him.
His eyes widened.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" He asked me.
"Apparently bumping into you." I said.
"I hate you!" He said.
"So do I, but you know what they say... actions speak louder than words." I said punching him square in the face.
He fell down holding his jaw.
"I hope it hurt." I said.
Then I casually walked away like nothing ever happened, hiding my bruised hand in my jacket pocket.