It was a nice day where i was from the 4 suns only just rising to mark the dawn of a new day and new week i never really had a job to begin with i was part time only meaning that i would get hours but they wouldn't be good hours i joined the task force when both my care's died i never had a family and wasn't given the time of day i should have been given i Say while looking down at the floor and what of the city they asked me. The city it was amazing they called it the city of gold just because off how'd the suns rise and fall even the moons made it look astonishing it was next to the forest where you'd be able to be you and no one can do anything it was my place I'd go when ever i was upset or even mad at myself. So how long you been on this plant and in this house their son asked my i don't know feels like forever i say while looking at the ground what about friends the woman asks me i hardly got to know anyone i did have this one friend but he moved on when he found his mate leavening me alone again but, why you just go back to your home world if you miss it that much it really can't be that hard the young girl says i wish i could but it was destroyed during the war i was the only one to get out alive with out being taken into a fire fight and everyone else died on the plant or while fighting on the frontier i was made to leave they didn't want for every single one of us to died i explained to them as a tier begins to run down my cheek . oh you poor thing you poor, poor thing that's alright I've got you the woman says while hugging me and softly rubbing my back that's it let it all out come on nothing better than to be able to cry about loosing the people that means the most to you.All Rights Reserved