Selfishly, I want to believe that everyone's a little bit messed up, because I know I am. There are moments when nothing and everything weighs so heavily on me that it feels like I'm drowning at the same time that my feet can't touch the ground. I'm drifting upside down. I'm all knotted up on the inside like some funny-looking pretzel-twizzler hybrid that I shouldn't be able to imagine in my head. I'm alone, crowded by thoughts and emotions that know exactly how to take advantage of me. In those moments, I am momentarily stuck, trapped, reeling. I can do nothing. But I can listen to myself. I can be honest. I can write my way through the best and worst of my experiences and share them with myself, with you. I can be there for myself when I need me and forgive myself for struggling. So that's what I plan to do. Dear Me, I want you to know that I'm listening.