WARNING This book contains strong language and suggestive scenes. Read with caution! ____________________________________________________________________________ It's been about three years since I left home and, for the life of me, I can't find it in myself to regret my actions. I won't say that there was nothing left for me there because that wouldn't be true... I feel sorry that I left so suddenly; I left a lot of loose ends. I don't believe I will be missed, even after all these years. Because one thing that I took with me from home was the same single minded focus that they all have. They have one goal. They have one dream. And they will create a single reality. I will be no different. I refuse to sit idly while this world goes from bad to worse. I can do something about this. I can change the way things are and bring about the way things ought to be. I can do the things others are afraid to do or won't do. It won't be easy... it might be messy... but I swear on my life I will bring about a better world.All Rights Reserved