So...I wrote this for a girl I like. It's Valentine's day, so I decided to against everything I despise to be extra cheesy and write this for her. It's really short, but I feel like this applies to other people than just me. If you like someone, read this and think of them. Tell them how you feel; life is too short to be wistful about a relationship that 'could be'. I won't name my girl, but she's a closeted bisexual and isn't really wanting to come out to any of her friends. She told me she liked me a couple of months ago (followed by a heavy makeout session in the bathroom) while we were both a 'little' intoxicated. To be honest, I had, and still have, no idea how to feel about any of this. But I do know one thing: don't be ashamed about who you love. Unless it's Ted Bundy.All Rights Reserved
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