If you don't know me, you'll definitely believe I am an average girl. With long honey-colored hair down to just above my slim hips, very dark brown eyes, and a clear complexion, I'm very.. Average looking. If you do know me, you'll know I love getting into any type of mess that can be made, and I’m not very good at getting out of them. I guess you can say that's how I ended up here- Central London. I've gotten myself into a mess neck deep, but hopefully these strangers can help me re-establish myself. New scenery, hopefully new life, even though I've had a history of being a bit reckless, and you know what they say- old habits die hard. But who said I ever wanted to end that particular habit? Life is a lot more fun being a bit mischievous, as long as you've got someone to help you out. In my case- these five boys who are apparently in a world famous British/Irish band called One Direction.