___________________________________________________________________________________ "I hate the rain" He says as a soft mist falls. I tilt my head at him then look around. I see the rest of my classmates. The girls giggling under trees, guys playing football, and some (like me and Chenle) walking and talking. I look back at Chenle to see the small droplets of water clinging to his eyelashes and that little bit of hair growing under his nose. I hate that thing, it makes him look like puberty was late for him. I then run my fingers through my hair and look up squinting into the mist "I'm kinda obsessed with the rain." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jisung moves to a new small school with the assumption it'll be uninteresting and childish. If it isn't he'll owe his mom a pepsi. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~All Rights Reserved