Autumn, That Bastard is my debut poetry collection! It is about the feelings, ideas and concepts that are linked to the season of Autumn. That season where the warm embrace of summer quickly fades and we prepare ourselves for the coldness of winter. But we never dread the Autumn, it is an expectation as are all seasons of our lives. It is a cyclical period of waiting, of unearthing and challenging the world around us. There will be 13 poems in this collection. The release schedule will be like this: (Australian Dating System) Authenticity - Out Now! Leviticus - Out Now! Night-time Colours - Out Now! For James - 14.02.2019 (On Valentines Day!) When Winter is Expected - 26.02.2019 The Penelope Complex - 6.03.2019 There Were Whispers - 13.03.2019 Diety - 27.03.2019 Grey House - 10.04.2019 In Honour of Summer - 17.04.2019 The Optimist - 24.04.2019 (Untitled Poem) - 1.05.2019 Stagnation - 8.05.2919
6 parts