Described by some readers as a wistful mix between "Tuesdays With Morrie," "Wayne's World" and the Seth Rogen film "50/50," It's All Good: Emails From a Dying Best Friend is a chronicle of an extraordinary friendship, offering faith and courage to those who are losing or have ever lost a loved one. A powerful, emotionally compelling personal diary, the story raises all the universal spiritual questions about death, dying and finding peace and survival in the midst of personal terror. Yet this one of a kind, loving glimpse into the bond shared by music journalist Jonathan Widran and his musician friend Steve Veale is anything but maudlin. Built around several months of riveting email exchanges, It's All Good is all quirky, witty and life affirming. Jonathan would deeply fail his friend if he attempted to tell Steve's story without the sharp, silly humor that was so much a part of him. Join them on their crazy travelogue from the San Juan Islands, Washington to San Juan, Puerto Rico, from the Space Needle in Seattle to River Street in Savannah, where Steve was Jonathan's best man just months before the diagnosis which changed these two lives forever. At first glance, the title of the book seems like a strange, ironic, even cruel choice. What can be "all good" about losing your best friend to melanoma at 38 years old? Learning to embrace the crazy mysteries of life and death, Jonathan discovers the unimaginable answer.