Betrayed by friends and abandoned by his goddess...
Back from the dead and hellbent on saving his beloved.
Knight Champion Breskaro Varenni served the bright goddess Seshalla every day of his life, questing for her relics and crusading against her enemies. He was a hero and a legend, the greatest knight of the age. But his most trusted friends betrayed him to the swords of infidels, and in death, Seshalla abandoned him, denying him Paradise.
But Breskaro refused to fade into Oblivion.
Instead he wandered the Shadowland for seven years until the dark goddess Harmulkot offered him the one thing only she could give, the one thing that still mattered to him...
A chance to save his beloved Orisala from a fate worse than his own.
Returned as a wreck of embalmed flesh animated by sorcery, with a host of the desperate and the undead under his command, Breskaro will do whatever it takes to save Orisala, no matter the odds and no matter the consequences.
David Alastair Hayden takes you back to the exotic land of Pawan Kor, first seen in Wrath of the White Tigress, with this seductive epic of swords and sorcery in the tradition of Brent Weeks, Robin Hobb, Michael Moorcock, and David Gemmell.
Reader Advisory: This book is intended for adults. It is not suitable for younger readers.Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang