My Name is Marti Emma Dorksen. (DON'T call me Martina Emmaline Dorksen!) I'm in seventh grade, I'm eleven years old and I live in Brisbane, Australia but was born in Manchester, England. I moved here when I was seven. Before that, I played football, watched and cheered on 'Manchester United' and hung out with my BFFs, Jasmine Ren and Rebecca Summers. But then Rebecca turned on us and got pulled into the MPG (Mean and Popular Group, sometimes know as PGGs which means Popular Girls Group.) and I was left with Jas, my twin sister Emily and cousin Faith Ballen. Then my mum got a new job and we moved here, my dad staying there with Emily.
Martina Dorksen is the biggest tomboy around. Football, soccer, AFL, rugby, running, tennis, fishing, -you name it!
But even though she's a huge tomboy she is a huge dork too!
Follow Marti's dorky life as she start's seventh grade, meets new friends, get's a new crush, plays and wins football matches and meets the PGG(Poplar Girls Group)'s queen- (and Marti's arch-nemesis) Iva Parlours. NEW town, NEW house, NEW school, NEW friends, NEW enemies, NEW crush and NEW diary. You can already tell this is gonna be one heck of a story!