25 parts Complete Mature"This is my bed, okay" he said sternly. "so should i dance Olala here." She replied sarcastically. He controlled his anger in a smile and said "if you don't know then let explain that this bed belongs to MAHIR SEHGAL, who is me. and i don't like any strangers sleeping on my bed on their stomach without my permission." After a pause he yelled "SO GET OUT" but bela didn't even flinch. rather she covered her anger in a smile and said "if you have forgotten, then let me clear that i am your wife BELA MAHIR SEHGAL and i have all the rights on you that a women have on her husband. So i can use this bed." She took her towel and made her way to the washroom. "maybe legally you are my wife. But you wont get that position in my heart as that belongs to ruhi, my love. To be precise, your beloved sister. Still you want to stole your sisters man from her. He said smirking. But her reply was enough to wipe off that. "mahir.... i am a person who lives in this moment. So i don't care whether you are my sisters love or husband. For me now you are my husband and that's the only thing that matters to me. so stop barking like a dog and sleep as i don't want my husband to yawn at the court. Or else other will misunderstand that i didn't let you sleep at night." Saying this she winked at him and entered washroom.
Bela who lives in the moment is ready to forget her hatred for mahir and accept him as her husband. But mahir is still stuck with his past lover ruhi, who is now married to his brother. Will mahir ever fall in love with bela? Or will mahir go back to ruhi? Will ruhi accepts her husband? Or will they separate?
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