This is my first collectanea which contains poems. Poems that are made relating to my chaotic world (Chaotic, huh? Oh yeah.). I did this to contain my boredom. Haha. And all of this thoughts came from my own experiences. Yeah, I was inspired. I dropped all the craziness, sadness, pain, insanity, absurdness, blissfulness, joy, problems, and feelings that are inside me. It served as my inspiration. So I'm so thankful for those who was part of my life, is part of my life, will be part of my life, and ofcourse who've been part of my life. I, thank you. Hugs and kisses. Ayiieeh...
Prose that may be too bland or too blue;
Random stories that may or may not be true;
All penned by Alice in her times of loneliness;
They shall aid the mind and heart of the restless.