In the small, endearing city of Konoha lies a severe threat to all of its citizens. For years, people have lived their lives in constant fear of the notorious criminal, Nighttime Killer. Eventually, the city has no choice but to ask for help overseas. The future seemed bleak until Hinata Hyuga arrived, full of promises to help the local police force capture the criminal.
However, things get complicated for our dear hero as she faces situations that force her to rethink her morality and skills; situations such as falling in love with the unknown enemy.
#1 hinatahyuga (23/3/20-27/3/20)
#1 karinuzumaki (2/20/20-3/3/2020)
#5 Naruhina (3/7/19-6/7/19)
#5 narutoxoc (12/10/19-16/10/19)
#10 hinatahyuga (29/12/19)
A million dollar bounty, underground assassins, torture-it's all in a days work for assassin Jessie Wright.
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Molded into an assassin by the one who killed her parents, Jessie defies orders and goes rogue. Now with a bounty on her head, her only chance of survival may be with a man who's reputation is worse than her own.
Violence, Assault, Swearing.