In a world torn apart by the aftermath of Johnson's failed takeover, the once-mighty antagonist has fallen into silence, seemingly defeated and out of sight. Meanwhile, BenKei, along with his companions Jazzy and Saba, embarks on a journey through The Continent, now known as Ebon, where they make their home on Earth. But their peaceful existence is shattered when a looming threat emerges - the wrath of Hell's Gate and other nefarious entities seeking to conquer all realms for total world domination.
In the Detroit District, Andrew from Close Encounters, alongside his wife Zel, dedicates himself to helping rebuild schools, homes, and landmarks destroyed by Johnson's Corrupted Soldiers. As chaos spreads from state to state, city to city, the remnants of society struggle to survive and resist the oppressive forces that seek to control them.
Meanwhile, Thomas, Madison, Hope, and Quinn traverse both the physical and mystical realms, discovering the interconnectedness of their universe and the true extent of their own power. When these two disparate groups finally converge, they must set aside their differences and unite against a common enemy that threatens to bring about the end of all they hold dear. Together, they must face the ultimate challenge and fight for the survival of their world, standing as the last line of defense against a force seeking absolution through destruction.Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang