Member of the Film Research Club, Tomohiro Machiya is called by school idol, Mai Mashiro, to film her, and after he tapes her swimming, she asks him to film her continuously for two days. He agrees, hoping. Everything seems normal until Mashiro kills her "boyfriend" who was a former bully and delinquent, while Machiya films it all. He then finds out Mashiro is uploading videos to a website called Dead Tube, where users post content and are rewarded with money based on the number of views they get. The users are encouraged to post videos, but there is a catch: the person or people whose video gets the fewest views has to pay for the expenses and the crimes of all the other participants. As Machiya gets dragged deeper and deeper into the world of Dead Tube, he starts questioning his ambiguous relationship with Mashiro and the dark feelings lying within himself.