When the adults mysteriously disappear, a seemingly perfect school, led by four unique "Hosts", rises out of the ashes. But nothing perfect comes without a price. The students, as a tuition fee, have to participate in the annual Hunger Games, hosted by the Hosts.
Angelina was a bright young child, until the despair-inducing camping trip. Delving further into the Dark than anyone before her, she learned the secrets of hypnotization and mind-control.
Audrey was a cautious but smart girl, until the fateful night where everything changed. She became flexible, but with a price: she had no spine.
Samantha was a bright and bubbly cat-lover, until her parents bivouacked in a trap. Her sharp senses led her to perfect her aim and agility, as she had better aim than a sharpshooter.
Zoey was a funny and slightly crazy anime-addict, and that one night when her parents died changed her. She became even crazier, and learned psychokinesis.
These four took charge of the school.
They learned how to love again, and how to be human.
But when time comes where they have to choose between what makes them human and what makes them themselves, what will they choose?
And of course, what will become of the poor innocent students, forced to fight for the entertainment of the Hosts?
Gale grabbed my neck. Gosh he was so strong.
He started squeezing it.
I gasped as he squeezed harder. His hand were choking me. Black spots dance before my eyes.
"MOM!" I heard Finnick scream.
Everything was far away.
My life flashed before my eyes.
We were hunting together. Then there was hunger games. After that, the war. Suddenly after the war. Finally now. Not exactly now but...
People always change. Even people who you love. Katniss Everdeen's best friend seemed to have changed into a different person. Once best friend had turned into a killer. Killer who is thirsty for a revenge