Alison is the daughter of Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter. Throughout her life, Alison has lived under her parents shadow. When her friends Tiffany Stark and Emily Luther give her a chance to go out on her own, Alison jumps into the adventure. After a tragic accident, Alison travels across the ocean to teach. While there, Alison discovers love in the most unlikely person; James Buchanan Barnes. For two years, Alison's life seems complete. Sadly, Alison suffers heartache at the hands of Thanos's snap.
Part One of Two. Sequel called: Alison Rogers Barnes-Where Do We Go From Here?
I do not own any of the characters besides Tiffany, Nick, Rory, Alison, and Emily. Other characters are Marvels.
Aria, captured by Hydra when she was just a little girl, is forced into missions. Only fate will tell what is in store for her as she tries to navigate between right and wrong.