Silver Lincoln, the daughter of two nobodies unnamed mother passed down her powers to her and now, she is re-learning how to use the powers she has refused to use since her mother died. When some British guy shows up saying he needs their help to save the timeline and the future, Silver is now a part of the team known as "Legends". She also reunites with her old friends from Juvie, Leonard Snart (Captain Cold) and Mick Rory (Heat Wave), the only two who knew about her powers outside of her mother and herself. Silver is one year younger then Snart and three years younger then Mick. Silver is a naturally gifted girl. Not just with her skills with weaponry, but with her empathetic and telepathic abilities. Silver is able to form a bridge with someone and force them to feel any emotion she wants them to at that particular moment, but there is a catch to the bonding abilities of Silver. If the bond gets too strong, the two people who are bonded, can't be separated. Or else they might both go insane if they aren't kept within a 20 foot distance of each other. Welcome to the WaveRider {Cast} Silver Lincoln (Younger) - Liana Liberato Silver Lincoln (Older) - Britt Robertson Leonard Snart - Wentworth Miller Sara Lance - Caity Lotz Mick Rory - Dominic Purcell Martin Stein - Victor Garber Jefferson Jackson - Franz Drameh Kendra Sanders - Ciara Renée Connor Hawke - Falk Hentschel Raymond Palmer - Brandon Routh Rip Hunter - Arther Darvill Vandal Savage - Casper CrumpAll Rights Reserved