part 1chapter 1 I live and breath stardust. Did you know that ? We all do , because supposedly the world is made up of fantasy garbadge that no one gets nothing from. Life, a little tiny speck in the sky mocking my very existence. I wish I was a star, but not just any star the sun so I can be the one scorching my enemy. Sorry we havent me my name Max Glen jr number 1192000. Lives been diffrent you know. You used to be able walk up to another race of alien ,and say hi, but nowadays because of segregation (another product of this corrupt goverment) you cant. You used to be able to live a full life , but nowadays you get judicially ordered killed at age 40, or if you have a disabilitie unless your rich, or prove vital to the goverment. I hate everyone and everything about earth its because the suns closing in to kill us, and since im not rich I cant afford to move to the other planets, and everyone else is grumpy , because there in the same boat.