When small-town girl Lily Catchlove finds herself falling for the most notorious member of a worldwide boy band, she's prepared for the worst. She's heard the stories, and she is not about to be one of those "hit it and quit it girls" they all seem to like so much. She has a plan of action. Break his heart before he breaks hers. But will her seemingly flaw-proof plan end up working, or will she find herself smitten with the charming bad boy?
Rule 1.
You've gotta have fun, but when you're done, you've gotta be the first to run.
Rule 2.
Don't get attached to somebody you could lose.
Rule 3.
Wear your heart on your cheek, but never on your sleeve unless you wanna taste defeat.
Rule 4.
Gotta be looking pure, kiss him goodbye at the door and leave him wanting more.