To some people, the world isn't all a happy place. To some people, the world is nothing but evil, and that someone.. Is Skyla Sykes. She learned at a very young age what this society was capable of, and the damage that it has already done to her. Yes, of corse there is always the other end of the rainbow. But what if the other end of the rainbow burns out before she can reach it? Then, their are some people, that know what our society is capable of, but are too afraid to face it. Even when the damage of our society is on our very own skin. This person, knows who our society really is. The society that seems harmless, but is secretly the main reason for the need to be perfect. This person is Jared Voyer For her, it's the perfect body. But for him, it's the perfect grades, under the influence of his disgusting parents. But the want for perfection isn't the only thing they have in common. They both are longing for their families to accept them for who they really are. But maybe they don't need their families exception, maybe just maybe, what they need.. Is each other. But they do not realize that they will need a lot more than saving alone.