Have you ever stood in an ocean? The little waves tug at your feet, attempting to pull you down, yet you are stronger than them and you're able to stand your ground. The waves start getting bigger and bigger, each one a little more force full than the last. Some make you stumble, others, almost make you collapse. Then, comes the largest wave, one so big it towers over you. You can see it coming from a mile away yet there is nothing you can do to stop it. You watch as it engulfs you, feel the water rip your feet from beneath. Water fills your lungs, strangling you from the inside. You desperately try to swim to the surface, but you only get dragged back down. That's how I felt. Even thou I was in the safety of my room with my mom holding me in place while I screamed. Tears swam down my face as I cried out. No one can prepare you for a broken heart; it is worse than any physical pain. It was September 17th 2013, that I learned I'd lost my best friend to depression.