1 part Complete You and I have all heard this saying a million times "Dip a dog's tail in water for however long you want, it will never straighten" There's another very common saying, "There's no other animal as loyal as a dog" Both are very true. In order to live our lives, we need to believe. There's no world without hope. But when that same hope starts destroying you, choking you from within, then it's best to let go. We humans might be loyal but we keep trying to maintain our relations, even when we know better. Just like a dog's tail which can never be straightened, no matter how hard one tries, some bonds can be damaged beyond repair and it's best to let go. However, knowing it is different and actually doing it is a whole other game. How many people actually succeed in breaking away from their bonds even when it gets toxic? Relationships are never as simple as they might seem. If one gets contentment, it's because someone else had to compromise. If both of them want to be equally content, they have to let each other go, because this is a myth. No two people in a relationship can get all that they desire at the same time. With time, one gets so tangled in his/her efforts to try and improve the relationship that he/she might forget the other person's wishes entirely. Saving the relation is all that seems to matter, not happiness.