Please do not read if you are under 18, sensitive to stories with sexual content, and/or you have NOT finished the Dark Artifices! This story contains romantic and sexual mature adult content.
For all my fellow Kierarktina fans: Mark, Cristina, and Kieran finally consummate their relationship at the cottage in the Borderlands. This happens the dawn after Magnus and Alec's wedding, before Kieran must return to the Unseelie Court to resume his kingly duties. There's even a little epilogue that I dreamed up!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from The Shadowhunter world and the Dark Artifices, which is trademarked by Cassandra Clare. Kieran, Mark, and Cristina are characters created and owned by Cassandra Clare, and I do not claim any ownership over them or the world of The Shadowhunters. The story I tell here about Kieran, Mark, and Cristina is my own invention, and it is not purported to be a part of Miss Clare's story canon. This story is for entertainment only and is not part of the official story line. I'm a huge fan of Miss Clare's work, and without her wonderful books, this story would not exist.