Shane is just a normal teenage boy attending Kuoh Academy. However, one day a meteorite crashes near the academy and what Shane finds is astonishing. His normal life will change dramatically as he finds himself in the middle of a war between the Devils, Fallen Angels, and Angels. How does his new power fair between the others? That is for him and his new partner to find out.
This is my first Highschool DXD story. It will be a crossover with Venom in Marvel. There will be slight changes to Venom but I will utilize his powers throughout the story. I hope you enjoy this story!
All credits to the original creators
#1 in Asia, March 19, 2019
#1 in Akeno, April 7, 2019
#1 in Koneko, Apri 25, 2019
#1 in Ravel, May 15, 2019
#5 in Venom, May 19, 2019
#1 in Venom, May 23, 2019
#1 in Rias, June 15, 2019
#3 in HighschoolDxD, July 7, 2019
#1 in Highschool DxD, July 10, 2019
#2 in crossoverfanfiction, July 16, 2019
Hiroki Kusuchi is a high schooler who attends Kuoh Academy, he is an all around average guy with nothing sticking out about him. One day he ends up regecting a girl's confession and thanks to that he ends up joining an entirely different world than the one he knows.
I wanted to try doing a dxd gamer story and so here it is. Also this story will have irregular updates and lots of things from Highschool DxD will be changed in this fanfic. Lastly all photos and pictures in this story do not belong to me.