6 years have passed... Xof and Katrina have a new home and have two sons: Rowdy and Warrior. Zohr and Helena have stayed with Mancer, but they also have a son: Fredrick. FireStone and Avery still live happily, having a daughter: Leanne.
Season 2 to the popular Poké-story, Legends of Lankurt. Fang is back, and this time... He has help. Some "Monsterous" help. With Mancer the Hedgefox, King of Mobius, and Mangle the Fox, Queen of Mobius, now playing a major part in the action, he and the previous Pokémon and Lankursians that you've come to know and love join them on this epic quest to Hero Earth.
What is Hero Earth, you might ask? Well, Hero Earth is the Hero Association. The popular anime characters from One Punch Man join the cast as the world is becoming more and more hostile due to the Monsters that threaten Hero Earth.
Join Mancer, Xof, Zohr, FireStone, BiFrost, Mangle, Katrina, Helena, Avery, and Bella as they traverse Hero Earth in search for each other and to stop the Corruption's Resergence...