A young woman Lillie takes a nasty fall down some stairs outside of one of her local supermarkets, thankfully there is a couple of people around to help her. They go by the names of; Rye Beaumont and Mikey Cobban. They see that Lillie is very shaken up by what has just happened and offer to take her home - she says she still has to buy a couple of bits, they say they'll help her with whatever she needs and then they'll take her home. Lillie is very thankful for their kindness and accepts their help. Lillie and Rye stay in touch after the accident - he even adds her to his boybands Roadtrip, WhatsApp group chat. They all get along like a house-on-fire, but there's something different with Lillie and Rye... they have a spark. Will it go further? Will they remain friends? Find out in: Helping Hands...All Rights Reserved