Rosalyn. Rosalyn Lòpez is 17 years of age. She has brown hair that curls every which way. Eyes that tend to change from blue, green, a blue-grey, and hazel. Although she is 17 years old, she is only 5 feet tall. She is slim in the waist while her hips and thighs are much thicker. She has a larger bust, but she tends to hide it in under her baggy clothing. She's confident with her body, she just doesn't see the point in showing it off in skimpy clothing. She's a smart girl, both school wise and life wise. She's grown up in a difficult neighborhood, having late nights hiding in the shower so she doesn't get shot by the many drive by's that happen. Ever since she was little, she's learned how to do many things. Start fire from some dried wood, leaves, and branches. Learn how to catch a squirrel and cook it to eat. How to tie some rags together to have makeshift clothing. She's had grow up from a young age. When she was 12 she ran away from home. She heading for sunny side California. She didn't care how hard it would be to get there, she just knew she had to leave her home town in New Mexico.
Then comes in Leo Greene. The two make for an interesting mix.
Elliot Jensen and Elliot Fintry have a lot in common. They share the same name, the same house, the same school, oh and they hate each other but, as they will quickly learn, there is a fine line between love and hate.