"Framed", a Mystery-Thriller action story that follows a 19-year old High School Student born in Manchester named David Williams, who was being charged with first-degree murder and the use of a weapon of mass destruction and was unjustly sentenced to death, without trial. Fueled by anger over the fact that it was a cover-up, he escaped from being transported on death row and, as the fugitive on-the-run, he, along with his best friend from Japan, will try and exact revenge on the two people, something that the two never done on this scale before. Status: Semi-Active Story History: Beginning: February 23, 2019 Free Release: February 24-March 8, 2019 Publication: March, 9, 2019-present Previous story cover made from: Windows 10 - Paint 3D App. New story cover (on November 18, 2019) was made using Canva.
10 parts