There once was a little boy. He was bullied and beaten. He was picked on by everone he knew. One day he decided not to go to school and just hide from the world in his attict. When his parents got home they asked him why he didnt go to school. He said: "Momma I dont like my school everyone bullys me, they told me to kills myself that i was a waste of space". He said: "Momma can i go to a different school?". The boys mother said "No you can't change schools. You gotta be the bigger person. You have to keep your chin held high and block out the bullys". The little boy listened to his mothers advice. The next day at school he went straight to class. When he got there he sat down in his seat. He took out his books and followed along. One of the kids that bullied him walked up to him when the teacher wasnt looking. The older kid started beating him. By the time the teacher turned back around the boy was laying on the ground bleeding and crying.